Digital GBS Talent Market Report 2021

This report is produced by OM to offer insights into the talent market and salary scales of the Global Business Services (GBS) industry in Malaysia. The report is anchored on a survey of GBS organisations in Malaysia.

Industry Report (FREE)

Digital Industry Skills Framework

Industry Report (FREE)

Global Business Services Outlook

This report, the "Global Business Services Outlook - The Buyer's Perspective", provides an in-depth view on the demand for outsourcing and business services across the region. It provides you with an accurate, authoritative and very insightful view of customer trends, motivations, environmental factors and other important issues that will shape the future of the industry. In essence, this is a must have, definitive guide to understanding where the demand is coming from and what the customer wants, both now and in the future. Malaysia, while very competitive as a location for global business services, accounts for only 1.7% of the total market in the Asia-Pacific region. We have still plenty of room for growth compared to our regional neighbours, Singapore (3.3%) and Thailand (2.9%). With this report, Outsourcing Malaysia hopes that Malaysian companies can better identify the gaps in their offerings and seize opportunities in this sector that in 2014 was valued at USD 640 billion globally and USD 240 billion in Asia-Pacific.

Industry Report (EXCLUSIVE)

WEF GlobalCompetitivenessReport 2014-15

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Why Outsource to Malaysia

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World Bank Doing Business 2015

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Outsourcing Malaysia's Global Business Services Outlook - Vendor's Perspective

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IMD Competitiveness Malaysia 2014

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Why Malaysia

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2011 AT Kearney Global Services Location Index

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